Ma-nchin doar Tie, La picioarele-Ti cad -traducere
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 14/10/2017
Ma-nchin doar Tie, La picioarele-Ti cad

Prin lumea asta cautam placerea
Zacea ascunsa in praf in drum
Argint si aur am vrut in viata
Azi pe genunchi vad ca toate-s scrum.

Deci, …Ma-nchin doar Tie, La-piciorele-Ti cad
Paharul Tau plin este ce-mi doresc
Caci nu e altul la fel ca Tine
Oh, scump Isuse pe Tin’ te iubesc!

Averi si ranguri, mi-au fost promise
‘nainte-mi doar sa le ating
Sunt destramate atatea vise…
Singur in noapte stau si plang.

Totu-i pustiu, doar umbre moarte
Promisiuni multe, goale si seci
Doar Tu Isuse esti a mea “parte”
Esti Adevarul si Viata-n Veci!

Marius Alexandru (traducere libera a cantarii “I’ll worship only at the feet of Jesus”)

I went to visit the shrine of plenty,
But found it stores all filled with dust,
I bowed at alters of gold and silver,
But as I knelt there they turned to rust.

So, I'll worship only at the feet of Jesus,
His cup alone, my holy grail,
There'll be no other gods before Him,
Just Jesus only will never fail.

The call of fortune made me a pilgrim,
To journey to things promised us,
But as I climbed the promise faded,
And wind blew lonely all through the night.

So, I'll worship only at the feet of Jesus,
His cup alone, my holy grail,
There'll be no other gods before Him,
Just Jesus only will never fail.

Just desert dust and empty shadows,
All promises that turned to lies,
The gods of earth failed and betrayed me,
You alone are truth and life.
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